What to educate kids

Fundemental truths

title: What to educate kids created_at: 2023-01-26T14:52:16.823Z updated_at: 2023-01-26T14:52:16.823Z tldr: The world isn't static is_published: true star: true category: Fundemental truths share_type: add


What's good of a watch if it costs 800$ and doesn't tell the time when you need it the most? A 10$ casio is more reliable than that, more durable and replaceable. And doesn't get stolen. Educate them to be happy with what they have now. Instead of longing for what they want and being unhappy about it. When they grow up they know the value of things Not the price.

When they are happy with their work it reflects in it. They will work on it until they are happy. It's the same with all parts of their life, be it learning for oneself, their parents, their kids, spouse...


The only thing in this world that doubles when you share. Empathy is hardwired in us from birth through what's known as the mirror-neuron system, and we intuitively feel what others feel. That's why when one kid starts to cry all the others do. You need to explain this. Everyone's going through difficult times, Everyone has their summit to climb. Kids are way smarter than us.

The strong are the ones who are kind.


Giving is good. Next time you are having a snack with your kid, and your neighbor comes around ask your kid to share. We can do this too. Kids just mirror their environment. See someone fall give them a hand. See your co-worker banging their head over a problem, take them out for a coffee. Every time we give, we get this warm feeling that we belong.


The most scary thing about living is freedom, you can do anything you want to, and you get to live with the results, The funny thing is you don't even know how it's going to end up. What we need to teach them is to listen to their guts on the moral values that we teach them.

Survival skills

Basic survival skills - hygiene, cooking, and exercise.

Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, avoids diseases. Start teaching kids meal preps, and fixing their meals. Start early, even before they can get a sense of laziness, and start fighting you back. Make them get to love their exercises. Any outdoor sports, kids need sunlight, air and sweat.

Risks are good

Life is an ongoing process of choosing between safety (of fear and need for defense) and Risk (for progress and growth)

Life is as cruel as it gets. We need to teach them to assess safety and risks. They can't be guided in every situation of life. They need to make their stance and need to be happy about it. They might fail, that's fair. They will learn from it and grow stronger.

It's ok to ask why

Curiosity is how all animals learn things. We have a language to understand it from others. And "Why?" is what kids use. They start learning about the world and asking questions. Even if you know the answer don't give it out that easy. Just say you don't know what do you think? The stories they tell are unbelievable. Or even better start asking questions back which build from the fundamentals of it. This is real education. It's fun.

If it ain't, say "No"

Kids do a lot of things, some are good and some are bad. At that age, they quite don't understand the morals of good and bad. We need to teach them and hold a strong ground with the values we teach them

Do not scare them

When kids get scared to tell things or know they get into trouble with what they have done they lie about it. Just confront them it's all right. Nobody makes mistakes on purpose. Just ask them to be careful next time.


Managing resources is a vital skill. Open a bank account and deposit in their name. For all the work they have done around the house, reward them. Once they turn 18 explain to them how the economy works and hand over the account.

I wasn't any of these or was educated on any of these. As I grew these became more important.

Further reading

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