True strength

Fundemental Truths

title: True strength created_at: 2022-10-02T14:52:16.823Z updated_at: 2022-10-02T14:52:16.823Z tldr: Strong are the one who are kind is_published: 1 star: true category: Fundemental Truths share_type: share

ok, there is a new intern at work, you have assigned a task and expect him to finish it by noon. And he did not, not only that but that's when he started asking about the work assigned. What do you do? Be all nice and help him out or be kind, ask what's wrong and explain how things work?

On the street, a kid falls down. Be nice and help him out or be kind, hand him a water bottle and let him get up and clean himself up?

Often people use the words “nice” and “kind” interchangeably, assuming that they’re “basically the same thing.” The truth is, the difference between nice vs kind is night & day. “Nice” is a self-centered behavior pattern, where you are acting in a “pleasing” manner, to “be a nice person,” and get people to like you. “Kind” is an other-centered behavior pattern, where you’re acting in the best interests of others, out of a sense of love, empathy, and compassion.

A “nice” person conforms his behavior to what he believes society sees as “nice.” A “kind” person doesn’t necessarily care about what “society” thinks of him; he acts out of a deep-rooted love for his fellow living beings.

The nice person is focused on himself – he does nice things to be perceived as a “nice person.” The kind person is focused on others – all he wants is to relieve the suffering of the living, conscious creature in front of him.

The kind person is strong. The nice person is weak. The kind person is selfless. The nice person is selfish. The kind person feels empathy. The nice person is selfish.