Job contracts


title: Job contracts created_at: 2023-03-09T14:52:16.823Z updated_at: 2023-03-09T14:52:16.823Z tldr: Its bad but its good is_published: 1 star: false category: Insights share_type: add

Every time I hear about Job contracts, I just jump back to one of the conversations by Ed Catmull. After the merger of Pixar and Disney. In the first five months, they refused to sign any employment contracts and eliminated contracts for everyone.

Why? They hurt both the employee and the employer. Usually, contracts are one-sided, in favor of the company - resulting in unexpected negative consequences. There is no longer any effective feedback between bosses and employees. If someone had a problem with the company, there wasn't much point in complaining because they were under contract. If someone didn't perform well, on the other hand, there was no point in confronting them about it. Their contract simply wouldn't be renewed, which might be the first time they heard about their need to improve. The whole system discouraged and devalued day-to-day communication and was culturally dysfunctional.

An employee can leave at any time so does can be let go by the company at any time.

On the other side. There are many incentives from the government for working as a contractor. Less taxes, freedom of working hours. If you are working right your employer doesn't want to disturb you. And you can bill for the working hours in a month ie, you take leave responsibly.

Either way in both full-time jobs/contracts you have the responsibility to enjoy. If it's not happy working in it - leave.

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