Rare talents


title: Rare talents created_at: 2022-05-1T14:52:16.823Z updated_at: 2022-05-1T14:52:16.823Z tldr: Making money working less is_published: 1 star: false category: Insights share_type: share

Really short stories, rare talents becoming costly and earning well for spending way less time.

My badminton coach played at Nationals - retired, fitness exam certified, and teaches professionals for 4hr a day in a group. We were 7 for 4 days a week. We used to pay 25k a month. Let's say 13k for shuttle and expenses it's 84k a month in profit. On weekends he goes to apartments and teaches kids for a group of around 12, 4k for each kid that's around 48k. He well crossed a decent-earning software engineer... for 32hr + 24hr a month.

In my sister's apartment, there is this dance teacher. He teaches only kids groups. In a group there are around 15 kids for 2 days 2 hours each, he has 3 such groups. If each kid pays 4k a month it's 180K a month. For 48hr a month.

Our gym service guy sells Instagram accounts making Memes. If an account reaches 10K followers it can be sold for up to 7K. He creates and sells 3-4 such accounts, every 2 months.

Very impressive!

The amount mentioned is in Indian Rupees.