Loosing weight is easy


title: Loosing weight is easy created_at: 2024-02-24T14:52:16.823Z updated_at: 2024-02-24T14:52:16.823Z tldr: Weights, cardio, HIIT is_published: 1 star: false category: Wellness share_type: share

So, I play badminton quite regularly (at least an hr a day). In 2018 had my first injury, twisted my ankle. Luckily I was able to walk and my parents didn't know about this. My weight shot up 67kg from 77kg, took me 8 months to get back. In 2021 the last day of the Covid Lockdown, Broke my ACL, fuck. My coach said I can't play anymore. Man, I cried that day. Two months in bed, Eight months no playing, weighed up again from 67kg to 86kg. Took me almost 1 year to get back to 67 kg. My Knee was slipping in between pushing myself, so decided to have my ACL Reconstruction on August 23. Bed rest for 3 Months, again from 67 kg to 80 kg. As of this writing, it's been around 8 months right now I weigh around 74 Kg. But this time I am doing something different. Just putting it here so people won't lose hope after an injury and give up. I like to keep it generic so people can follow through.


You can lose weight without working out at all! It's going to take longer but you can do it. Moving your body speeds it up. Everything you eat is converted to energy, excess energy is stored as fat. At the end of the day, it comes down to input to output. When the energy spent exceeds what is available, your body will burn the stored fat to make up the energy and you lose weight.

Eat less and move more.

This doesn't mean you get to eat a box of sweets and still make it, your body needs necessary minerals and vitamins to function. You need to fill your food with greens, beans, fiber, and fruits. And stay away from juiced stuff, that shit won't work.

Love your sport

Losing weight in the beginning feels like nothing happening, you will get insomniac, tired, and sore. This is all normal, you need to keep doing this every day. At first, it feels like you are not losing anything, and everything happens all of a sudden. You need to have patience, you can't get it in one day. If you have a sport you love, stick to it. It's much easier to do what you love day after day.

Weights, Cardio, HIIT

Weights add muscles, burn fat for a longer time Cardio burns fat quickly and loses muscles HIIT is fast-timed cardio, that elevates heart rate, builds endurance

So what do I need? All three. For me, it is 3 days of Weights, 1 HIIT, 2 Cardio

Functional than fashion

It's been some odd trend we lift higher weights, grow bigger muscles, bigger biceps, chest. Why? I can't imagine the amount of calories needed to put that much weight.

There is a difference between lifting 100kg 1 time and 1 kg 100 times. In what everyday scenario are you going to lift 100kg weight? You are going to lift a kg on your day chore!

My focus is on badminton, I love this sport. All my training is lower body. It's Squats, Lunges, and rope work. You can tie your functions to your sport. It will all work out.

Warmups and cooldowns

A dried stiff stick is easy to break. When you workout your muscles compress and stiffen up. It's important to warm up and cool down. Warmup stretches your muscles gets them ready to compress again and cooldown relaxes your muscles.

My weekly routine

I hit the gym 4x a week, court 2x a week, and Sundays are for Rest.

Monday (Leg day) - Farmers walk - weighted- Warmups- Wide hip hinge - 2 x 20- lateral squats - 2 x 40 - weight- lateral squats Deep - 2 x 20- Max Vertical jumps - 3 x 40- Yo-yo Side jumps - 3 x 40- Explosion sprint - 2 x 20-- Break --- Squats - 1 x 40 - weighted - 2 x 10-10 - weighted - 1 x 40 - weighted - in-hold - 1 x 40 - weighed + 20% load - progression- Bulgarian Squats - 2 x 2 x 30 - weighted - 2 x 2 x 20 - hops- Hip thruster - 2 x 30 - weighted- Side plank - 2 x 2 x 60s-- Break --- Heel raisers - 3 x 30 - BodyWeight + progression- Quad Extenders - 3 x 15 - Machine- Ham string Extenders - 3 x 15 - Machine- cooldownTuesday (Upper body - in circuits)- Warmups- skipping rope - 2 x 200-- Break --- Bench press - 2 x 15 - weight- Bent over row - 2 x 15 - weight- Elevated Bench press - 2 x 15 - weight- Overhead press - 2 x 15 - weight- Depressed Bench press - 2 x 15 - weight- Inverted row - 2 x 15 - weight-- Break --- Chest fly - 2 x 15 - Machine- Back fly - 2 x 15 - Machine- Back pull - 2 x 15 - Machine- Row - 2 x 15 - Machine- Biecep curls - 2 x 20 - weighted- Tricep skull crusher - 2 x 20 - weighted- Shoulder back push - 2 x 20 - weighted- straight lift to chest opener - 2 x 20 - weighted-- Break --- Tricep pull - 2 x 20 - weighted- Bicep Pull - 2 x 20 - weighted- wrist pronation - 2 x 20 - barbell- wrist Supination - 2 x 20 - barbell- Shoulder pull - forward - theraband- Shoulder pull - backward - theraband-- Break --- Superlifts - 2 x 10 - barbell + weight- cooldownWednesday (HIIT) focus on explosion- Warmups- Jogs x 3- Back running x 3- Sashe x 3- Crab walk x 3- Lung walk - 2 x 10 - weighted-- Break --- step workers x 2 - step up - down x 30 - step side - side x 30- ladder workouts x 3 - Fast feet - 60s - Side step twisters -> Mountain climbers x 30 - In - out - front back -> Toe touches x 30 - Side side -> Knee to shoulder - Hops - front back -> Shoulder to elbow - Jumps - Froward -> leg to chest raisers - Jumps - side -> fast legs - R1 - Knuckle pushups x 20 - R2 - Squats x 20 - R3 - Butt bridges x 20-- Break -- - Core strength x 2 - Weighted crunch to roman twist x 30 - lung - plate in - out x 30 - single leg balanced - weight move x 30 - side to side lung - ball slam x 30- Cooldown Thursday (Leg day)- Warmups- Inchworm - 3 x 5 + 1 x 10- lateral squats - 2 x 40 - weight- lateral squats Deep - 2 x 20- Weighted plank - 2 x 60s- Max Forward jumps - 3 x 20 (continous)- Diagonal jumps - 2 x 2 x 10- Box Hops - 2 x 20-- Break --- Lunges - 1 x 40 - weighted - forward - 1 x 40 - weighted - backward - 1 x 10 - weighed + 20% load - progression - forward - 1 x 10 - weighed + 20% load - progression - backward- Lung walk - 3x15 - weighted- Single leg Box stands - 3 x 10 + weight- Roaman Dead lift - 3 x 20 + weight- Dorsiflexion 3 x 30 - weighted-- Break --- Heel raisers - 3 x 30 - BodyWeight + progression- Hip Abd + Hip Ext x 30- Leg press - 3 x 15 - Machine- cooldown

Weight and HIIT